

Broadband Automated Laboratory Test system for Interoperability and Compliance of xDSL Technology and Applications

The b-ALTIC DSL platform allows you to test real modems against real DSLAM units.  It offers a user-friendly Windows interface with multiple configuration possibilities.

Once your Network characteristics are loaded in the test system, it is easy to set or change all relevant parameters, like i.e. length, attenuation, temperature, loop, line segment and/or Bridge Tap.

The LSX/BALTIC DSL platform ...

  • can work with any kind of DSLAM according customer request
  • can test one modem against several DSLAM types in one automated test run
  • can test several MODEMS against one DSLAM, or against several DSLAM ports in one automated test run
  • uses the TGA 10 traffic generator, a cost effective solution specially designed for this application, providing the capability of sending ATM and IP traffic over Gigabit Ethernet.

Changes in the Standards are not a problem for LSX/BALTIC since it is a flexible solution:

  • b-ALTIC DSL can be programmed for any Standard in the LSX line simulators and ANG noise generators;
  • b-ALTIC DSL is programmable for any special test.

Sparnex is the only system in the world that can program country specific line types and test cases e.g. like the copper lines typical in use by any customer.