
DLA 200 A

Smallest portable Line Simulator in the world.

Bandwith supports up to ADSL2plus, with remote control for automation.

DLA200 single gauge wire Line Simulator/Attenuator simulates the insertion loss of a single twisted-pair cable according the characteristic of a twisted PE 0,4 mm telephone cable for testing DSL access products with a GO/NO-GO approach. Simulation is achieved using passive components that allow attenuation of bi-directional modem signals like on real telephone wires.

The compact DLA simulates the cable characteristics from DC up to 2.2 MHz.

It is the smallest Line Simulator/Attenuator in the world for the ADSL2plus band that can be set in steps of 200 meters. 

The DLA 200 passive Line Simulator/Attenuator allows testing of all DSL technologies up to ADSL2plus and is suitable for production and verification testing.


The DLA 200 can be used for multi-pair testing and for automated interoperability testing.  

  • Compact
  • Light Weight
  • Passive Simulator/Attenuator
  • Shelf mountable
  • DC - 2.2MHz
  • 4 x 1km attenuation sections
  • 5 x 200m attenuation sections
  • Automation interface for setting lengths/attenuations
  • Can function as a desk-top model with 24 VDC/110-220 V power adapter