
Our Products

Sparnex Instruments products are dedicated to test, simulate and generate all aspects of the Physical Layer (Layer 1) for testing compliance, benchmark and performance of Access Products CPE's and DSLAM's as well as testing the performance of the higher layers 2-7 under realistic Physical Layer deployment conditions.

  ♦  LAST MILE  ♦  IN THE HOME  ♦  COAXIAL  ♦  PLC  ♦  DSL  ♦

Test the Performance of Broadband Services
The Broadband TestCenter™ includes all elements of an operational network including the access network and Physical Layer.

Interoperability, Compliance & Benchmark Testing
Manual or automatic testing of access products compliance to Standards.

Production grade testing of CPE's and DSLAM's
Large multi-line capacity simulator, up to 1200 ports.