Why Sparnex Instruments?
With Sparnex Instruments you choose the only true expert in Physical Layer Simulation and Testing. Sparnex is the inventor of the first fully programmable Physical Layer test system. These systems can be programmed to meet all the requirements for each Service Provider and each network, testing according realistic live deployment conditions as well as under extreme low noise conditions of -150dBm/Hz.
The new test & simulation systems are 10 times more accurate and stable compared to the former generation of DSL Loop Simulators, with testing features like:
- in-home wiring modeling,
- temperature and noise effect test scenario's,
- migration tests with PON
- new access technologies like wireless and coaxial cable communication.
It is the only system that is capable of:
- testing with the 'theoretical' cable types per the Standards;
- testing with programmable/'actual' cable characteristics of each country;
- running 'performance' tests to measure realistic and maximum performance.
Being 'Compliant to a Standard' is one step, passing 'enhanced performance' tests is the next big challenge. The Sparnex Instruments solution simplifies this major challenge and allows the user to automate the process! That is why the Sparnex Instrument testing concept is the only one in the market that facilitates measuring the true limit in terms of maximum performance and minimal bit error rates taking the real cables and network topology into account.
Service Providers can now also explore the limit of their telephone network with the same system they use for testing interoperability between CPE and CO equipment.
Sparnex Instruments core competence is in the understanding of Physical Layer problems and making this knowledge available through fully integrated test solutions, without compromise on the quality and speed of testing. These competences and the seamless integration of different elements of the various test equipment vendors into one fully automated system are major reasons for many telecom laboratories and vendors to work with Sparnex Instruments.